Friday, February 11, 2011

Being Right or Making Money

bench craft company

The Price is Right - Ok il prezzo è giusto #2 by Alberto P. Photography

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Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

The <b>News</b> About John Thune Is That There&#39;s No <b>News</b> About John Thune

Last week, it was reported in Politico that Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) was leaning against running for president. On Thursday, Carl Cameron of Fox News reported that Thune is leaning against running for president. - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

bench craft company

The Price is Right - Ok il prezzo è giusto #2 by Alberto P. Photography

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Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

The <b>News</b> About John Thune Is That There&#39;s No <b>News</b> About John Thune

Last week, it was reported in Politico that Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) was leaning against running for president. On Thursday, Carl Cameron of Fox News reported that Thune is leaning against running for president. - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

bench craft company

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

The <b>News</b> About John Thune Is That There&#39;s No <b>News</b> About John Thune

Last week, it was reported in Politico that Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) was leaning against running for president. On Thursday, Carl Cameron of Fox News reported that Thune is leaning against running for president. - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

bench craft company

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

The <b>News</b> About John Thune Is That There&#39;s No <b>News</b> About John Thune

Last week, it was reported in Politico that Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) was leaning against running for president. On Thursday, Carl Cameron of Fox News reported that Thune is leaning against running for president. - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

bench craft company bench craft company
bench craft company

The Price is Right - Ok il prezzo è giusto #2 by Alberto P. Photography

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bench craft company

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

The <b>News</b> About John Thune Is That There&#39;s No <b>News</b> About John Thune

Last week, it was reported in Politico that Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) was leaning against running for president. On Thursday, Carl Cameron of Fox News reported that Thune is leaning against running for president. - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

bench craft company

This article is also published in storytime tapestry and

I am sitting here on Nov 7, 2008, wondering what I should write about, I am always so wrapped up in writing for paying jobs that I just do not have time to write for my own pleasure. Writing is as much a part of me as my right arm. Writing sooths my soul and helps me to communicate with the world.

It is funny but my mind is drawing a blank, I don't really know what to write about. Normally I have a theme that I work on but for the life of me I do not have any burning issue that I want to discuss.

For those of you who have kept up with my writing of late, know that I have been writing quite a few medical articles. That is because I am a freelance writer and I have been working on a series for a doctor on pain management. So that is why you see a lot of cancer articles popping up. These articles are my main source of extra income.

I was very worried for a while as I had lost my temporary disability payments and was reduced to a welfare cheque. The welfare cheque covers my rent and nothing else.

Without the little extra from disability I would be evicted because there would be no way I could continue to manage without ever having money to pay the electricity, heating, telephone, and internet. Basically they are the only bills I have but I cannot manage them.

So I was worried about the disability, if I couldn't get it anymore, I would surely be evicted and to find a place to live in Montreal at a cheaper rent than I am paying is just not possible. I was worried that I would be living on a park bench.

The reason the disability was refused was because I had temporary status and the government explained to me that temporary was only for a one-year maximum period. I had exhausted that period. Yet I still was not well. I had no choice but to file an appeal and wait.

I filed the appeal on the September 23, and on October 23 they granted me a telephone interview. The offices are located in Quebec City, which is about 160 miles, or 257 KM away.

I was interviewed by a socio professional, which is a fancy word for a social worker, and a medical doctor. They asked me several questions such as, was I depressed, did I have friends I could talk to, was I suicidal, what medications I was taking, what doctors and tests did I see and have done, and of course what medical conditions did I have. They said I would have to wait another 15 days for the decision.

Everyone said to me, "surely they would grant it with everything wrong with you." The main condition I have is fibromyalgia and that is not accepted as a disability in Quebec and so that was the concern I had. My doctor had only asked for temporary disability in the first place because he said I would get the disability based on fibromyalgia as a temporary condition but it would never be accepted as a permanent one. So when I was interviewed I added a few extra conditions not indicated before, such as obesity, irritable bowel syndrome and osteoarthritis.

So I sat and waited and worried and started looking for a new place just in case, but of course I cannot find anything cheaper, I only hope that something will come up in the future.

I also worried about making money online as these medicals articles are great but they do not constitute full time work. Last year I had this online organization as well as a website, medhunters, where I made money on the purchase of my individual articles that you have seen written in my e-zine, Storytime Tapestry and on Unfortunately, that well seems to have run dry, they haven't accepted anything I sent them in 2008.

In the meantime I continue to rack up points on for home depot cards because at least I can use home depot here in Canada. I cannot get the other gifts cards or money incentives at this time because they really are only for Americans.

I do spend some time on mylot where we get paid for making little discussions, it is really easy, you can either make a discussion or answer one or both and you will be paid, also if you bring in your own referrals you will get a quarter of what they make as well. Here is my referral link for anyone who is interested: Or email me and I will send you the link by email.

Lately I discovered a new place to write reviews from anything like appliances, cameras, beauty products, to movies and TV series. If you are interested please email me.

These places do not bring in a fortune but they can add up to some nice mad money in the middle of the month. You might even be like me and need that money to help pay your bills.

Also, besides being a freelance writer most of you know I am an author and my book Angels Watching Over Me is available online or in print form, don't forget to check it out:

So this is what I do to pay my bills, but if the appeal didn't go through even that would not be enough. To be honest it really isn't even enough with the disability to pay my monthly bills and believe me I do not spend a single cent on anything frivolous, I eat from food banks and people give me hand me down clothes etc.

Of course the worry about whether I would have enough money to pay my rent was making me sicker even though I tried with all my might not to worry and just take it as it comes, I truly did. Well I am happy to announce that my worries at least for the appeal results are over.

I got the letter in the mail. My disability has been accepted for an indefinite period of time (still not permanent status) on the grounds that my condition has seriously deteriorated and I am not able to work at this time.

Here is the list of conditions that I have


High blood pressure

High Cholesterol


Irritable bowel condition



Inability to stand up for more than 5 minutes at a time,

Housebound all winter, Spring and Fall

Inability to do housework

I am still looking for a cheaper place to live as that will ease my financial burden and I am still looking for online writing gigs. My body may be finished but my spirit lives on.

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